Funny Christmas Gift Ideas
secret santa

Top 10 Funny Secret Santa Gifts

[easyazon_link identifier=”B072R57XRF” locale=”US” tag=”X60075-20″]potty putter toilet golf game[/easyazon_link]

Potty Putter Toilet Time Golf Game

Before the advent of cell phones, you’d find stacks of magazines in the bathroom, and one would while their time away reading or perusing the pages of a magazine whilst attending to their business!

[easyazon_link identifier=”B072R57XRF” locale=”US” tag=”X60075-20″]Top 10 Funny Secret Santa Gifts 3[/easyazon_link]

Now, almost all of us take our cell phones to the bathroom.. myself included, I’ll admit to that!

Enter the Potty Putter Toilet time Golf Game!
Now, instead of checking messages or god knows what else you do with your time in the bathroom, how about amusing yourself with a potty putter golf game instead?

Hole in one anyone? Pun intended!

Coming in at just around 10 bucks, this potty putty golf game is all you need to have an eventful bathroom experience!
Complete with a putter, two golf balls, cup and flag.. not to mention the “Do Not Disturb” door hanger, it sure looks like bathroom breaks will be brought to you by Mr. Tortoise.. he’s slow, but will get you there soon enough!

[easyazon_link identifier=”B072R57XRF” locale=”US” tag=”X60075-20″]Get this hilarious potty putter toilet golf game[/easyazon_link] right now before Secret Santa time passes by!


About George

internet marketer | creative writer | product reviewer | chai tea drinker | average chess player | father | friend.. I'm a natural I tell ya! Self given titles aside, I enjoy spending time perusing the internet for the next big thing, something which'll keep me awake nights contemplating how to get my hands on it. Welcome to my world.. hope you enjoy your time on here and, should you wish to share your thoughts about this site or the products being reviewed or promoted, don't hesitate to click on contact us!