Professional Grade Men’s Nail Grooming Kit
For the men among us with bear quality toe nails, no more excuse for ripping them bed sheets every night with your toe nails!
Now you can grab the man in your life this professional grade men’s nail grooming kit, all housed in a compact, easy on the eyes travel kit, for less than $10!
Not even a happy meal costs less than that…or does it?
Most men do not like the idea of visiting a nail salon and sharing stories with Dorothy sitting in the pedicure chair next to them, no siree! What with all the fungal infection one could get from using shared tools you find at most nail salons?
Don’t believe me? Simply google “pedicure nightmare!”
You’re welcome!
Keeping nails, both hands and toes, short, clean and groomed is the epitome of cleanliness.
For the DIY’ers, or those looking for a gift for their loved ones or coworkers, this stainless steel, professional grade nail grooming kit is all you need to say goodbye to bear quality nails that even mama bear would be super envious of!
Containing no less than 12 tools, from nail clippers to multi purpose scissors to peeling knife, this is now the go-to manicure and pedicure set you’ll ever need!
The compact, portable, convenient to carry, hard shell case fits into almost any handbags or shoulder bags.
Just a nail clipper set you can proudly carry on any travel!
Now, most manicure and pedicure sets can be spendy!
Lucky for you, we managed to find an industrial strength nail cutter kit, that will probably outlast most prized items in your household, for under $10!
Yep, you heard that right, under $10!
Great gift for a secret santa gifting too!