Talk is Cheap… Say I Love You With Jewelry with Meaning!
We recently came across this twisted, vintage bronze cuff bracelet through a friend who couldn’t stop bragging about it on social media.
Initially, we all thought she’d won a mini lottery and splurged on herself by purchasing this amazing cuff bracelet!
What made it even more mysterious, was that she was not willing to divulge where and how much she’d gotten the bracelet for, which intrigued us even further!
But worry not me hearties, we know a thing or two about these interwebs!
So, we sent our ravens far and wide to spy on jewelry shops, in the hope that one would come back with positive news!
Within a couple of hours, we had wind of a certain online store, some of you know them by the name amazon, we simply know them as the best since sliced bread!
As you would have it, they had the very same cuff bracelet, some might even consider it cheap, I mean, for under $10! Come ON!
Hmm, I NEVER, said I to no one!
Seeing is indeed believing, you have to see the attention to detail that went into designing this signature jewelry with meaning!
Whether our mutual friend was too embarrassed to let the dogs out on the price, or simply didn’t want her entire neighborhood to be seen wearing the very same gold bangle bracelet she has, was lost to us, but thanks to our ravens, we’re proud to show you this amazing snake bracelet, yours for under.. you guessed it, $10!